Tuesday, October 18, 2016

New Joinee

Usually this term is associated with a profession. This type of human beings have very low lifespan, a day, perhaps at most 2 days. After that they are lost forever and become part of the hundreds of normal employees who can vary from being tenured or not very tenured. In an IT firm, these type of people are easily identifiable the following ways:  

a) has a temporary badge or better a sticker clearly mentioning "New Joinee/New Hire"
b) A timid group of characters standing long enough near or around the HR bay to raise suspicion
c) Same guy/girl with a badge going in circles around your bay, prompting you to ask can you help only to find out they were looking for the restroom or the cafeteria and are new joinee
d) a lost looking fellow wondering about the IT department working space. Upon inquiry the response most always is going to be looking for laptop issue or kensington lock, new joinee.
e) a group of people all sitting very quietly in a brightly lit meeting room all looking very nervous or are very chatty. (This might not always be the correct symptom to identify a New Joinee.)
f) guy/girl using the badge on the entry system gates looking nervous & a tad embarrassed  only to be told to press the button on the side while exiting and only to swipe the badge during entry.
g) some worried looking human waiting on the other side of the door trying to figure out where to swipe the badge or to locate the button to push only to be told that the door has motion sensors so will open automatically.
h) listening very attentively with all concentration the speech the head of security is dishing out.
i) lastly a group of people all curiously looking around being escorted by either your team mate or manager or some manager but (mostly done by team mates) around your bay area, where the thought pops up in your head...ah, new joiners. If I try real hard perhaps I can remember my first day here. Now it all feels so long ago. (you might have been in the firm maximum more than a week or a month the most. The actual tenured people will not have time to have this thought enter their minds they will simply glance for max 5 seconds and than done, back to work.)

Now for some work experience. Every time you join a new firm and now-a-days we are not lucky to have a career spanning 20-30 years in the same place. Those days are over. They dont exist. Only our dads can say yes to that. Not us. No matter how much we try 10 years is the cap now-a-days for extremely resilient employees by that I mean employees who has compromised on money, position, work, taken salary cuts for the good of the company, no appraisals for consecutive 2-3 years, have told themselves plenty of times that all will be good, the company will look after them once this present issue is over, has put their dreams of travel/buying a house/that new car on hold etc etc etc...in a nutshell made more compromises than they have done in their personal lives. I think now-a-days being at the same place for more than 3 years is looked down by management if you have not moved in multiple roles within that short period of time. Like hmmm, this guy might have some problem that is why he is not getting any other job offers outside or is too comfortable working on the same thing. There is not even a moments thought given that ah perhaps this guy is investing his time to learn stuff. And if you are at the same place for more than 3 years the company starts taking you for granted like this one is not going anywhere. 5 years same place, no need for giving him a hike he is not going anywhere even if we dont, 10 years same place, no hike, more work and attitude of the company management is let's just pretend to hear him out as at the end of the day he is going to retire from here. He is not going to leave like eveeeeer!!

There are multiple reasons for leaving a job but most common of all are either a bad manager/boss or lack of money. But I think what is most scary and makes people reluctant is the fear of being the new Joinee. I mean tenured people all of them knows that the grass is NEVER greener on the other side, it only appears to be GREEN. However the reason people keep holding off from quitting is because of the fear of the unknown. New office, new people, new culture, new everything & everyone. I think if someone has stayed in the same company for say 5 years or more this becomes really a difficult decision and more the years go up the more difficult this decision is to take. I mean at the end of the day again to start from scratch like building new relationships, establishing yourself all that seems too much of a work. The money no matter how much of a hike doesn't seem to matter than unless perhaps its like an offensive amount of money. The fear of being a New Joinee becomes too much to handle.

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