Friday, December 23, 2016

Christmas or Holiday Season or should we say time to just have FUN!!

Christ - Mass or we know it as Christmas is as unique a festival celebrated all over the world as you all know. Everywhere around the world moment December starts it's holiday season. Well actually for us Indians when September end begins it's holiday season. We are constantly in party mode till the end of the year...the big YEAR END bash 31st of December....than of course back to Work...  😒😒😒😒😒😒😒. Well at least for one man I know 31st of December is like OMG OMG OMG...let all and everything work very smoothly without me...I was there until recently. I think I might end up giving him company this year too....not sure.

Interestingly the dude on whose name Christmas is named someone not so very significant call Jesus was born somewhere in the middle of May to July in the hotter months of the year however for some reason which I will not discuss here we do celebrate His birthday on 25th of December every year. Must be pretty cool. One birthday for entire world and one ACTUAL birthday just for family & friends. Sorry to burst your bubble. The birth of my Lord & savior had nothing to do with 25th of December. However I do know one very cool man who was born on 25th of December. Just as warm and friendly Jesus would have been. 

I am in the middle of a fever right now. So delirium out of extremely high body temperature can be attributed to all the BS that I might end up writing. However having said that, I am taking paracetamol hence feeling a lot better and working/blogging here and watching "Where Eagles Dare" all at the same time. Now that is called multi-tasking. 

So as I was saying, in my humble opinion all these festivities, celebrations, all this is just to make us feel more alive than we feel we actually are. Honestly you dont need a holiday season to have a family meal together. You can have it anytime during the year. But since we have drifted apart and created our own little universes we need this or rather I should say we want this holiday or so called "Special Occasions" to invite family & friends to share a wonderful evening all together. 

Truth is we would rather mind our own lives & our own businesses than have all the family or so called family around us , scrutinizing every minute details of life whether good or bad. Having said that this so called festivals helps us to fulfill that desire to just be with some people whom we consider family and are family. For the few fortunate one's they spend their festivals like Christmas with their loved ones or loved one. 

Starting 24th of December till 1st of January is usually the party time. Party time also differs as you grow older and your pockets gets heavier. Ideally it should get heavier as your income should go up. You go on expensive holidays, you attend some weirdly socialite brunches. You end up shopping at Marks & Spencer or at some other weirdly exorbitantly priced places which you will avoid the rest of the year. But you do this just to feel some extra special. Interestingly people forget to look around for people who were always extra special for them all throughout the year. 

Anyways this short post is not for depressing or insightful thoughts, after all I am on paracetamol and have guzzled down 3 bottles of beer and it is is 3.22am in the morning. This post is to all of you my dear Russian search engines, some viewers in US & Europe & Africa & India & Far East.......have a most wonderful blessed Christmas & a fantastic fun filled and wish full filling New Years

God Bless You All

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