Tuesday, May 27, 2008

I Hate Mathematics

Oooh! I can write ten books on this topic. Although before I start, I will take the scared vow of the Brotherhood of Math Hating People. It is as follows :

"I solemnly declare without fear of being called a dumbo, nimcompoop, moron. stupid e.t.c e.t.c that I hate maths. I hate it in all it's forms and practices. I despise those who find mathematics interesting and colourful. I hate all the people of all shapes and sizes and ages who love maths. And I will stand by my word till the last nanosecond of the breath left in my body and I will declare I hate Maths. All heil Biology"

Now I can start my piece on this disgusting subject ever. First of all who is this Aryabhatta. This dude invented or discovered or whatever the term Zero '0'. I mean come on, what was wrong with this bloke? How mentally unstable one has to be to discover something like this. Just Imagine!!!!

Anyways, moving on, let me ask you this question, can you imagne maths? I mean can you see it and imagine it or smell it or visualize it? I can see pictures in history books, I can imagine a lovely scenery after reading a nice piece in english literature, I can smell the fumes coming out of a test tube in a chemistry lab, but can you do any such things with maths???

It's all about numbers, angles, and god knows what else. I mean a train is going this way with this much speed and another one is coming in the opposite direction with this much speed. Find out the relative speed. WHY???? I MEAN COME ON!!!! Let the trains be.As long as they dont collide let them be man. What relative, felative, superlative speed you are talking about here. I mean what kind of a person will come up with something like this. To torture and tease human beings who just wants the trains TO BE!!! God!! I really never could solve this one or understand why it was so important to find the solution to this problem when the two trains are on different tracks altogether.

There is another type of maths, it is called geometry. Ooooh. this one is filthy!! I tell ya!!! Filthy!!! It can give you nightmares, daymares even in extreme cases afternoonmares too. Oh! How I suffered at the hands of this unforgiving beast. First of all, the part of my brain which is supposed to be dealing with shape and stuff is not very functional, second I dont understand angles and third I am bad at drawing stuff. Oh!! this one was like torture. How many days and weeks I prayed that I can get rid of this subject you people wont believe. What pain and anguish I suffered at the hands of this is beyond human understanding. I used to wish everyday that my geometry teacher will call in sick or she has expired or the school has declared that geomatry is out of syllabus. But none of this as you guessed it right never happened. From 6th till 10th standard I was subjected to the torture of this beast. So you can see it has a lasting effect as I have still not gotten over it.

The most unforgiving lot are the parents. It's like if a child is not good at maths he or she is an automatic dumbass and an object of shame. That is it. No further discussion. Straightway judgement is passed. Everytime you bring in the report card, first thing dad will take a look at is how much you scored in maths!!! WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What about the ten or eleven other subjects? Why do you have to take a look at that one subject in which I have invariably scored the lowest or have barely passed. And this thing can get worse if you have a brilliant in maths brother or sister or cousin you are like so dead. The humiliation is complete. The comparison will start and will never end. Even when you are thirty or forty they will still compare... oh! how good he or she was in maths so naturally their kids are also good...somehow indirectly pointing out that we have not much hope with your kids as they are going to be dumbasses as you are and for what....all this is because of MATHS!!!! Ooooooh! How much I hate it.

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